Major Economic Benefits of Building Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Homes

When you set out to build a home, or to remodel one, long term sustainability and effect on the environment should be something that comes to mind. Not only are eco-friendly and sustainable homes great for the world around us, but they are also pretty savvy when it comes to our wallets.

Eco-friendly can homes pay for themselves with energy savings in under a decade as well as increasing home value. Higher housing density means more efficient utilities and shorter commutes, so consider that living in a populated area could also be the greener choice. When you choose to renovate an existing home, you’re not transforming wild habitat or agricultural land and contributing to further landscape destruction.

Building an environmentally friendly house means protecting the planet while creating a healthier home for you and your family. So what exactly does it mean to have an eco-friendly home and how can you achieve that? Keep on reading to find out. 

A relatively simple and cost effective eco-friendly step with your home is to choose high quality windows and doors. Having windows and doors that are poorly sealed lets more air flow out of the house, causing your heating and cooling systems to work harder than they need to. This in turn puts more pressure on those systems, wasting energy and bringing your bills up higher than they need to be.

With quality EnergyStar certified windows, you could save $126-$465 per year when replacing single pane windows. Windows should also be placed with intention. If you prefer your bedroom to be cooler, put its window facing trees that will block the sunlight or have it face it north or south to avoid the rising and setting of the sun going east to west.

If you want your kitchen and living room to get a lot of light, then definitely have those windows facing towards the rise and setting sun. Large sun-facing windows let in a lot of natural heat during the day so your home can remain warm during the winter, but too warm during the summer. This is easily remedied by using blinds or coupling the large windows with the right wall insulation so it remains cool even though there is a lot of sun coming in.

Another great idea that works for building or renovating is to use efficient water faucet fixtures. says that leaks in the average household waste about 10,000 gallons per year and that fixing these leaks could save many families 10% of their water bill.

You can help with the water issue and create an environmentally friendly home by making sure you’re only using the water you need. For example the use of electronic faucets allow for the water to only be running when it is needed, resulting in less water usage. Be a part of the solution, not the problem and contribute in all the small ways that you can. 

If you choose to go the route of building a new home, instead of renovating an older one, opt for as many sustainable building materials as possible. There are a plethora of sustainable building options out there including sustainability-certified wood products, reclaimed or salvaged wood, insulation made up of recycled materials, rubber roofing made from recycled products, paper-based countertops made from tree pulp from managed forests, carpets made from recycled plastic bottles and many more options. 

Energy efficient appliances are a game changer in the world of environmentally friendly homes. Whether it’s your refrigerator, your hot water heater, or your air conditioning system, it’s always best to invest in energy-efficient appliances right from the get-go. According to Energy Sage, appliances with the Energy Star label use 10 to 50 percent less energy each year than non-energy efficient ones. They are also built to last between 10 and 20 years, which adds up to a lot of savings over time. 

Build some things with bamboo! Bamboo is one of the best materials to use in an eco-friendly home. It has a great deal of durability and tensile strength which is resistance to being pulled apart. It actually has greater tensile strength than steel and an even greater compressive strength than brick or concrete.

Bamboo is extremely strong and doesn’t need regular replacement. Bamboo is highly sustainable because it’s reforested much quicker than some popular wood species, and it grows throughout the world. You can use it in flooring, cabinetry, screens, and mats.

Optimizing your home for solar panels is a big step in eco-friendly builds. The initial cost can be worrying to some people but the long term savings and benefits to the planet are indisputable. Solar panels provide great benefits for a multitude of reasons but one of the biggest is not having to worry about your power shutting off, solar power reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces your dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels and raises your home values through the roof. 

Installing a programmable thermostat that allows you to set at what time during the day you want the house to be heated or cooled. You save money and energy especially if your home doesn’t let in as much sun. Also, if you want to keep up with modern technology and inch your home into the smart-eco-home realm then a smart thermostat can do that and so much more!

At the end of the day, there are many changes all of us can make when it comes to exterior and interior building, remodeling, renovating and decorating our living spaces both small and large. Find ways that work for your life and try and implement as many of them as you can. We all share this earth and are all responsible for continuing to make it a great place to live! 

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